Homing So

Homing So

🎉 哈喽啊~各位


非常坑,之前尝试过使用 yum 直接安装 trousers,会出现 TPM_E_NOAUTH 的问题,现在使用 trousers-0.3.15 进行编译后能够正常进行实验,目前还不清楚是什么包的问题导致的,因此要确保系统是全新的。


实验环境基于 CentOS7,确保你的系统是全新的,否则会有不清楚的包依赖或冲突问题

  • 更新内核

    yum update -y
  • 安装基础开发组相关包

    yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
  • 安装依赖的软件包

    yum install -y automake autoconf pkgconfig libtool gtk2-devel openssl-devel glibc-devel gmp-devel cmake psmisc
  • 先上传 tc.tgz ,然后解压,进入 tc 目录中

    [root@localhost ~]# ls
    anaconda-ks.cfg  tc.tgz
    [root@localhost ~]# tar -xzf tc.tgz 
    [root@localhost ~]# ls
    anaconda-ks.cfg  tc  tc.tgz
    [root@localhost ~]# cd tc
    [root@localhost tc]# ls
    tpm-emulator  trousers-0.3.15  trusted-computing-projectv0.3

编译 tpm-emulator#

  • tpm-emulator 的目录结构如下:

    [root@localhost tc]# cd tpm-emulator/
    [root@localhost tpm-emulator]# ls
    AUTHORS  build.bat  build.sh  ChangeLog  CMakeLists.txt  config.h.in  crypto  mtm  README  tddl  tpm  tpmd  tpmd_dev
  • 新建 build 并进入目录中,然后 CMake 生成 Makefile

    [root@localhost tpm-emulator]# cd build
    [root@localhost build]# ls
    [root@localhost build]# cmake ..
    -- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5
    -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
    -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
    -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
    -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
    -- Configuring done
    -- Generating done
    -- Build files have been written to: /root/tc/tpm-emulator/build
  • 编译安装 tpm-emulator

    [root@localhost build]# make -j
    [root@localhost build]# make install
    [ 58%] Built target tpm
    [ 80%] Built target mtm
    [ 90%] Built target tpm_crypto
    [ 92%] Built target tddl
    [ 94%] Built target tddl_static
    [ 96%] Built target test_tddl
    [ 98%] Built target tpmd_dev
    [100%] Built target tpmd
    Install the project...
    -- Install configuration: ""
    -- Installing: /usr/local/lib/libtddl.so.
    -- Installing: /usr/local/lib/libtddl.so.1.2
    -- Installing: /usr/local/lib/libtddl.so
    -- Installing: /usr/local/lib/libtddl.a
    -- Installing: /usr/local/include/tddl.h
    Can't read private key
    -- Installing: /usr/local/bin/tpmd
    -- Removed runtime path from "/usr/local/bin/tpmd"
    [root@localhost build]# modprobe tpmd_dev
  • 启动 tpm-emulator

    [root@localhost build]# tpmd -f
    tpmd.c:390: Info: starting TPM Emulator daemon (
    tpmd.c:93: Info: parsing options
    tpmd.c:164: Info: no startup mode was specified; asuming 'clear'
    tpmd.c:198: Info: installing signal handlers
    tpmd.c:295: Info: staring main loop
    tpmd.c:265: Info: initializing socket /var/run/tpm/tpmd_socket:0
    tpm_emulator_extern.c:101: Info: _tpm_extern_init()
    tpm_data.c:120: Info: initializing TPM data to default values
    tpm_startup.c:29: Info: TPM_Init()
    tpm_testing.c:243: Info: TPM_SelfTestFull()
    tpm_testing.c:261: Info: Self-Test succeeded
    tpm_startup.c:43: Info: TPM_Startup(1)

编译 trousers#

  • 新建一个终端,进入 trousers 目录,通过 bootstrap 生成 configure

    [root@localhost trousers-0.3.15]# sh bootstrap.sh 
    + aclocal
    + libtoolize --force -c
    libtoolize: putting auxiliary files in `.'.
    libtoolize: copying file `./ltmain.sh'
    libtoolize: Consider adding `AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4])' to configure.ac and
    libtoolize: rerunning libtoolize, to keep the correct libtool macros in-tree.
    libtoolize: Consider adding `-I m4' to ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS in Makefile.am.
    + automake --add-missing -c --foreign
    + autoconf
  • 通过 configure 生成 Makefile

    [root@localhost trousers-0.3.15]# ./configure
  • 编译安装 trousers

    [root@localhost trousers-0.3.15]# make -j
    [root@localhost trousers-0.3.15]# make install
  • 确认是否安装成功,检查是否存在:/usr/local/var/lib/tpm/ 目录

    [root@localhost trousers-0.3.15]# ls /usr/local/var/lib/tpm/
  • 启动 trousers

    [root@localhost trousers-0.3.15]# tcsd -e -f
    TCSD TDDL ioctl: (25) Inappropriate ioctl for device
    TCSD TDDL Falling back to Read/Write device support.
    TCSD trousers 0.3.15: TCSD up and running.

    同时,上一个终端中 tpm-emulator 应有输出,如下所示:

    tpm_startup.c:43: Info: TPM_Startup(1)
    tpm_capability.c:697: Info: TPM_GetCapability()
    tpm_cmd_handler.c:4084: Info: TPM command succeeded
    tpm_capability.c:697: Info: TPM_GetCapability()
    tpm_cmd_handler.c:4084: Info: TPM command succeeded
    tpm_capability.c:697: Info: TPM_GetCapability()
    tpm_cmd_handler.c:4084: Info: TPM command succeeded
    tpm_capability.c:697: Info: TPM_GetCapability()
    tpm_cmd_handler.c:4084: Info: TPM command succeeded
    tpm_capability.c:697: Info: TPM_GetCapability()
    tpm_cmd_handler.c:4084: Info: TPM command succeeded
    tpm_capability.c:697: Info: TPM_GetCapability()
    tpm_cmd_handler.c:4084: Info: TPM command succeeded
    tpm_capability.c:697: Info: TPM_GetCapability()
    tpm_cmd_handler.c:4084: Info: TPM command succeeded
    tpm_capability.c:697: Info: TPM_GetCapability()
    tpm_cmd_handler.c:4084: Info: TPM command succeeded
    tpm_capability.c:697: Info: TPM_GetCapability()
    tpm_cmd_handler.c:4084: Info: TPM command succeeded


  • 新开一个终端,进入 trusted-computing-projectv0.3 目录中,make clean 清除之前的构建,然后编译。有警告是正常的,不是错误就行。

    [root@localhost trusted-computing-projectv0.3]# make clean
    [root@localhost trusted-computing-projectv0.3]# make
  • 到 init 中,take ownship 和创建 mig_key

    [root@localhost trusted-computing-projectv0.3]# cd init/
    [root@localhost init]# ls
    create_mig_key  create_mig_key.c  Makefile  Tspi_TPM_TakeOwnership01  Tspi_TPM_TakeOwnership01.c
    [root@localhost init]# ./Tspi_TPM_TakeOwnership01 -v 1.2
    Testing Tspi_TPM_TakeOwnership01
            1 PASS  :  Tspi_TPM_TakeOwnership01  returned (0) TSS_SUCCESS
    Cleaning up Tspi_TPM_TakeOwnership01
    [root@localhost init]# ./create_mig_key -v 1.2
    Please input Migratable key's migration secret
    Enter PIN:
    Verifying - Verify PIN:
  • 到 SealUnseal 目录中,测试 seal 和 unseal,能 unseal 出来能通过说明环境没问题

    [root@localhost init]# cd ../SealUnseal/
    [root@localhost SealUnseal]# ls
    extend  extend.c  hex-out.h  Makefile  seal  seal.c  sealedData  seal_file  seal_file.c  test  test.c  unseal  unseal.c
    [root@localhost SealUnseal]# ./seal -v 1.2
    00000000|  01 01 00 00 00 00 00 2c  00 02 00 80 c6 58 2c 81  .......,.....X,.
    00000010|  00 7f 85 4e d3 87 3c 59  63 7a 01 8a 44 19 63 97  ...N..<Ycz..D.c.
    00000020|  c6 58 2c 81 00 7f 85 4e  d3 87 3c 59 63 7a 01 8a  .X,....N..<Ycz..
    00000030|  44 19 63 97 00 00 01 00  5d ee a6 34 cd e3 b2 e8  D.c.....]..4....
    00000040|  a1 be ed 5f a6 20 67 86  17 ee fb 7c 40 2e 63 9a  ..._. g....|@.c.
    00000050|  76 12 6b d3 2e e6 7c bb  2f 77 3d af 07 c8 19 36  v.k...|./w=....6
    00000060|  d5 ef c6 74 5d 8e f0 8a  98 f2 5e 8c 22 f8 70 02  ...t].....^.".p.
    00000070|  4c ca a3 4a 54 cd bf 39  1a 92 a9 2c c7 2b 96 28  L..JT..9...,.+.(
    00000080|  de 6e 7a f9 b3 36 62 e0  f5 c3 42 4b 74 0c 6d 6d  .nz..6b...BKt.mm
    00000090|  4f 65 33 1f 99 56 8e 5b  76 97 56 6e 68 17 f9 c1  Oe3..V.[v.Vnh...
    000000a0|  0b 6a 81 7e dc 10 58 ed  8a 9a 03 5e e7 28 dc 87  .j.~..X....^.(..
    000000b0|  c7 ba d3 95 d1 26 2c fe  8b 71 73 5b 27 23 5c b7  .....&,..qs['#\.
    000000c0|  8b c9 1e f1 b8 52 ac 2b  b9 a3 08 2c f8 c5 e4 95  .....R.+...,....
    000000d0|  ba f2 20 ee 49 ee a7 6a  34 8d a1 b9 a9 e7 25 d8  .. .I..j4.....%.
    000000e0|  28 14 58 d8 ab 47 4e dd  0a 8a 25 a4 b4 b7 69 f8  (.X..GN...%...i.
    000000f0|  85 70 4c 7d af 10 12 56  42 2a e3 1d be 05 8f ff  .pL}...VB*......
    00000100|  41 7c 2b 53 0c d6 f5 0f  61 6a c8 65 33 5b 02 3e  A|+S....aj.e3[.>
    00000110|  d4 b0 30 7d 03 b0 b4 0a  09 12 18 ad 10 73 bd 83  ..0}.........s..
    00000120|  9f 2d 5e 46 57 37 1c 00  29 16 4b 44 68 e4 f2 95  .-^FW7..).KDh...
    00000130|  9b 53 fe 0b 32 f1 48 78                           .S..2.Hx
    [root@localhost SealUnseal]# ./unseal -v 1.2
    Sealed data:
    00000000|  01 01 00 00 00 00 00 2c  00 02 00 80 c6 58 2c 81  .......,.....X,.
    00000010|  00 7f 85 4e d3 87 3c 59  63 7a 01 8a 44 19 63 97  ...N..<Ycz..D.c.
    00000020|  c6 58 2c 81 00 7f 85 4e  d3 87 3c 59 63 7a 01 8a  .X,....N..<Ycz..
    00000030|  44 19 63 97 00 00 01 00  5d ee a6 34 cd e3 b2 e8  D.c.....]..4....
    00000040|  a1 be ed 5f a6 20 67 86  17 ee fb 7c 40 2e 63 9a  ..._. g....|@.c.
    00000050|  76 12 6b d3 2e e6 7c bb  2f 77 3d af 07 c8 19 36  v.k...|./w=....6
    00000060|  d5 ef c6 74 5d 8e f0 8a  98 f2 5e 8c 22 f8 70 02  ...t].....^.".p.
    00000070|  4c ca a3 4a 54 cd bf 39  1a 92 a9 2c c7 2b 96 28  L..JT..9...,.+.(
    00000080|  de 6e 7a f9 b3 36 62 e0  f5 c3 42 4b 74 0c 6d 6d  .nz..6b...BKt.mm
    00000090|  4f 65 33 1f 99 56 8e 5b  76 97 56 6e 68 17 f9 c1  Oe3..V.[v.Vnh...
    000000a0|  0b 6a 81 7e dc 10 58 ed  8a 9a 03 5e e7 28 dc 87  .j.~..X....^.(..
    000000b0|  c7 ba d3 95 d1 26 2c fe  8b 71 73 5b 27 23 5c b7  .....&,..qs['#\.
    000000c0|  8b c9 1e f1 b8 52 ac 2b  b9 a3 08 2c f8 c5 e4 95  .....R.+...,....
    000000d0|  ba f2 20 ee 49 ee a7 6a  34 8d a1 b9 a9 e7 25 d8  .. .I..j4.....%.
    000000e0|  28 14 58 d8 ab 47 4e dd  0a 8a 25 a4 b4 b7 69 f8  (.X..GN...%...i.
    000000f0|  85 70 4c 7d af 10 12 56  42 2a e3 1d be 05 8f ff  .pL}...VB*......
    00000100|  41 7c 2b 53 0c d6 f5 0f  61 6a c8 65 33 5b 02 3e  A|+S....aj.e3[.>
    00000110|  d4 b0 30 7d 03 b0 b4 0a  09 12 18 ad 10 73 bd 83  ..0}.........s..
    00000120|  9f 2d 5e 46 57 37 1c 00  29 16 4b 44 68 e4 f2 95  .-^FW7..).KDh...
    00000130|  9b 53 fe 0b 32 f1 48 78                           .S..2.Hx
    Unsealed Data:
    00000000|  30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37  38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46  0123456789ABCDEF
    00000010|  30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37  38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46  0123456789ABCDEF


关于 tpmd 和 tcsd 出现的一堆问题,一般是 tpmd 没有清理干净,这样做一般能解决:

[root@localhost build]# tpmd deactivated
[root@localhost build]# killall tpmd
[root@localhost build]# tpmd clear
[root@localhost build]# tpmd deactivated

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